N头条>英语词典>boom out翻译和用法

boom out

英 [buːm aʊt]

美 [buːm aʊt]

(人)用低沉洪亮的声音说; (大炮或大鼓)发隆隆声




  • make a deep hollow sound
    1. Her voice booms out the words of the song


  • Due to the boom period of money lending out much more special, so in bubbles collapse bank losses will be particularly heavy.
  • But the government eventually cleaned up the mess, and its most significant contribution to the ensuing boom has been to keep out of the way.
  • The huge stimulus package may rev up the impressive construction boom, but there is no guarantee that people will buy property until they think prices have bottomed out.
  • We need to avoid the nostalgia factor& a longing for the late, lamented economic boom that clouds out vision and corrodes our judgment.
  • In real terms, the US housing boom has been almost completely cancelled out.
  • But this figure could decline a lot in the next few months, particularly if the boom in steelmaking, one factor that has pushed up iron ore prices in the past four years, starts to peter out later in 2008.
  • In all the sound and fury over the minimum wage, and the current boom in low-paying, dead-end jobs, nobody is questioning a crucial assumption: more investment in labor would have to come out of consumers 'and shareholders' pockets.
  • When the boom ran out, shortly after the turn of the century, the finance houses that had grown rich on the back of it set about the search for new profits.
  • With the developments of computational fluid dynamics ( CFD), more and more CFD commercial software boom out and cover more fields.
  • The second boom of real estate industry began in 2003, which is still lasting today, during this period, the government began to carry out an overall macroeconomic regulation on the real estate industry.